Social Club
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Social Club Officers
Co-Presidents – Ellen Heigham 617-448-1748 & Barbara Batson-Passos 973-219-1044
1st Vice – Dottie Frender – 518-765-2923
Co-Secretaries – Debbie Rooney 613-795-2248 & Nancy Cooper 207-632-7544
Co-Treasurer – Mary Kurucz 740-310-3002 & Monte Johnson 319-415-2816
All residents of Forest Park are members of the Social Club. We depend on volunteers to run these events that all enjoy,
There are opportunities currently available.. Get together with some of your friends or neighbors and volunteer to be a host
Need Volunteers for each Next Season
Pine Tree Knots Quilters
Contact Cindy Trepanier for more info.
The Pine Tree Knots meet on Thursday Mornings from 9 to 11 AM in the Club House. No experience necessary. We have members that have been sewing 60 years and members who are new to sewing. Stop by to see what we are doing. We also make “comfort quilts” for our residents with serious illness. Please let a quilt club member know if you have a neighbor or friend that should receive one.
The Quilt Club will continue to meet on Thursdays during the summer.
The lap quilt above is one of 70 quilts given to the residents of our park who may be shut-ins or are ill or recovering from major surgery. They are given with the wishes of good health and healing.
Contact Heather Flavin 508-612-6386
You need to be 50 years old to join this club. The only requirement is that you wear a red hat and purple outfit when we go out to events. The only guideline is that we have fun!! We joined the National Red Hats Organization.
Dates of Upcoming Events:
Bible Study
Meets Thursday Mornings at 10 AM until 12.
During the months of November to April we meet at the home of Reva Doliana,849 Hollyberry Court. From May to October, Waneta Schafer opens up her house to us at 344 Shrub Lane S. Just come to the door, and walk in– -we’ll be glad to welcome you! If you have any questions, please call Reva at 812-322-3986, Waneta 239-219-7593 or Laura at 239-210-8010.
Bocce ball is played on Monday and Thursday at the Bocce courts at 2:30 PM. Arrive at 2:15 New Members Welcome.
Open Bocce Ball on Saturday Mornings at 10:00am. For more info call Carlo or Lee – 239-851-9543
There are no dues.
KARAOKE Contact – Chris Tybor
Karaoke is held year round, every month on the first and third Monday – 6:00 – 9:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Everyone is invited to bring their own music CD and sing along with it. All residents and guests are invited to come and listen to the singers
Shuffle Board
Contact Bill Madill 519-634-5619 (Summer Contact Rose Krugle —
Shuffleboard Fun Night – Everyone is invited to play shuffleboard every Wednesday night at
6:30 PM.
- Ladies’ Shuffleboard – Ladies get to play shuffleboard every Tuesday morning at 10 AM. Come enjoy, ladies.
- Mixed Shuffleboard – Men and women play shuffleboard on Thursday evening at 6:30 pm
- League Play on Wednesday at 10 AM
- Valentines’ Day Breakfast is hosted by this club
Mini Golf
A 9 hole miniature golf course is located behind the pavillion for your enjoyment. Clubs and balls can be borrowed from the closet behind the bocce ball court.
Craft Club
Contact – Carole Beconder 330-726-9776
The Craft Club meets on Wednesday mornings in the Clubhouse at 9 AM. Enjoy the fellowship while working on a variety of projects. This is an active group year-round. The club hosts homestyle dinners monthly in season. Profits from these dinners support park projects and many local charities. Our Craft Fairs draw many talented vendors held twice per year and our Trash to Treasure Sale is a great way for you to support our fund raising efforts while cleaning out some closets.
We welcome you to come by and see what projects we are working on! We really have a lot of fun!
Come meet some new friends, have a snack and create some fun art!
Dues are $10 for the year.
Book Club
The Book Club is currently not live & kicking but if anyone wishes to reignite this please jump right in.
For more information contact:
Bob Marron
On Tuesdays at 6:45 for 7:00 pm
Bingo in the Clubhouse.
Cards are .75 cents per card with a minimum purchase of 4 cards. All three Bingo’s go all year round. Check your calendar in the newsletter each month.
There is a new addition to our BINGO games. You put a quarter into a “money ball pot.” The first number called is the “special number” so that if your bingo on that number, you will win the money that has been collected in the money ball pot plus the money that is allotted for the game that you won. If the money ball pot was not won, the amount is saved from week to week until someone is the winner.
You cannot call your winning Bingo card; the callers will get your card and verify a Good Bingo and bring your winnings to you.
If a number has started to be called and you yell BINGO, the caller will continue to finish calling the number.Everyone must be at least 18 years of age. There are 16 games of regular Bingo, then the “Night Owl” which consists of only 4 games played: regular Bingo, Letter T, Letter H and Full Card. The Full Card winner gets the Big Jackpot.
Cards and Games
There are a variety of card games played in the park. Sign-up sheets are on the window ledge at the back of the main Clubhouse.
Bridge Mixed (Contact Patricia Tegler 239.567.0148) is played on Friday night in the Clubhouse at 6:30.
Euchre is played Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the Activity Building. Be there before 6:30. The cost to play is $.50 and all money is divided among the players who have the highest to lowest scores of the night.
Duplicate Bridge starts in November and plays through March. They meet on Monday at 12:30 PM in the Activity Building.
Golf Card Game Tuesday at 1:00 PM Activity Building
Hand and Foot Game – Join us on Sunday nights at 6:00 pm in the Clubhouse for the “Hand and Foot” card game. It can be played at a table of 6, 4, or 3. All are welcomed! This card Game goes all through the summer months.
Mahjongg – (Gail Ford 603.440.5122) Wendsday 1:00 PM in the Activity Building
Poker is played on Friday night at 7 PM.
MENS KOFFEE KLATSCH (Contact Gloria Hartz 219.707.9174)
Mens Koffee Klatsch is held the 2nd Friday of the month from November- April at 8 a.m. in the clubhouse.
Come out for conversation with other Forest Park Men.
Coffee and donut will be provided. Please bring your own coffee cup.
Ladies Koffee Klatsch Contact Jane Cullin 330.242.2772
WOMENS KOFFEE KLATSCH a social gathering for the ladies of Forest Park to come out and join other ladies in conversation. This is held on
3rd Friday of the month at 9 a.m. in the clubhouse. Coffee and a treat will be provided. Bring your own coffee cup.
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ALL YEAR – Brian Hafer – 717-877-3043
WINTER MONTHS – John Wright -239-349-3827
Wayne Meyer – 414-469–65
Wi-Fi email –
The Forest Park Wi-Fi committee and volunteer group would like to provide a means for residents to communicate with their thoughts of either pros or cons on how our system is working.
We now have a Yahoo email account – dedicated to this, and it will be checked on a regular basis by the group. One of us will respond by email with help. If your system goes down completely, you of course will not be able to reach us by email, so you can contact one of us by phone and we can schedule a visit to see what the problem is. Please keep in mind that it is appreciated by all volunteers to keep park business to weekdays and allow us family time on the weekends.
Four of us sat with Ethx, the company that provides us with technical service and advice. Changes were made to alleviate some of our resident’s problems with buffering and connections dropping in and out. Many of the problems with TV buffering can be helped by setting your resolution on the TV down to 1080 or 720.
We appreciate our residents understanding that our system will benefit from upgrading in order to service the 300+ residents who are using the WiFi every day. For anyone that could not attend the last member’s meeting on January 27, 2022, the explanation for the increased expenditure in 2022, can be picked up at the office.
If a new antenna or upgrade is required, the present cost for the antenna is predicted to be approximately $120 – $190 as supplies are not available at this time and the prices are unknown (the last that were available were $165 and now are coming in at $190), $25 for a router, and $20 for a new cable (we are now recommending for new installations or replacement a new Cat6 outdoor cable).
For antenna installation, if you cannot do it yourself, contact Gerry Bauer – 239-849-0317 and for a reasonable fee, he will do this for you.
Trouble Shooting
- Unplug your antenna and router, leave them unplugged for at least 1 minute, then plug back in. This re-boots your system. Note – starting the antenna before the router is best so that the router can “find” the antenna as it re-boots.
- If it fails to come back up please call one of our group and they will check your connection remotely, and if they see something wrong, then schedule a visit at your home.
Going Back North Instructions
DO NOT take down your antenna and bring it indoors
This season DO NOT unplug your cable from your antenna and turn off power to it, as when the upgrades are done, we may not be able to find you on the software, and you may not automatically connect when you come back in the fall.
Contact Jane Cullin 330 242-2772
Mondays – 8:30-9:30 am
(Starts October 24)
Free exercise class for anyone in the clubhouse.
The class will include cardio, weights, core and stretching.
Equipment needed would be some hand held weights and a yoga mat
and a step for the cardio but that’s optional. You can set your own limits.
Contact Carole Beconder
Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the clubhouse During season
RECOMMENDED FOR “KIDS” OF ANY AGE. Please join us for a fun, easy exercise program. For ½ hour we warm up our bodies with slow movements. Then we just walk for the other half of the hour.
EASY WATER EXERCISE Monday thru Friday in the pool from 10:30 – 11:30 AM during the season.
When you do slow exercise movements in the pool, this means less stress on your joints plus we get those healthy rays of sunshine at the same time. Exercises are also subject to weather cooperating.
Tool Shed Club
To access the Tool Shed please remit your membership dues to:
Bob Carson
424 Timber Lane N
607 857 0320
Bob will give you a key and will give you the RV Gate Code at that time.
We have a lovely Billiards Room. All residents and their guests are welcome to use this facility.
Northeast Club
Contact Chris Major
$5 dues per person to become a member
Everyone in Forest Park is welcome to become a member. You do not have to be from the Northeast.
Each event may include a meal and always includes entertainment. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
We look forward to seeing you at our meetings.